Thursday, November 1, 2007

Spinning spinning spinning

So I've decided that maybe a bit of blogging may keep me on track. Right now I currently have about 10 colorways going on in my head, 5 crochet projects that are in the begining stages and a house that I'm not satisfied with. Hmmm do I need anything else on my plate? Sure why not! My husband has decided we need to look into buying a house. Then there's the puppy....oh the puppy, who doesn't need a dog that chews their newest panties up? I think we all need one of those!
Well my kids are chanting about candy in my ear, I need to clean up my kitchen and at least start soaking the custom yarn I need to get done so that I can use it to pay for my sister's x-mas gift. From there I should start soaking yarn for Dibble Dabble's next stocking before it gets here!